Friday, July 2, 2010


This is my first attempt at a blog. So please be patient with me. It will probably be changing on a daily basis. Computers are like my car, I have no idea how it works.

I am a Fab 40 year old woman with 2 young children. I decided I needed an outlet to get out my thoughts and feelings, good and bad, in order to keep sane. Some things you cannot share with your hubby, family and friends. Since I became a stay at home mom I started reading blogs and figured I would give it a try. Most of the ones I have read all mention these wonderful children. Where are all the nasty ones? Just in my house? I will talk about the feelings of doom and gloom that also go along with being a mother. I know I am not the only one, most people just don't talk about it.

The name of the blog came from my feeling I have "Lost" myself after my children. I use to be the happy-go-lucky girl. Always in a good mood, laughing. Before I had children I asked a friend about feeling I was to set in my ways and would be to selfish to have children. She said all those feelings would change after I had a baby. They haven't I miss my old life sooo much. Does that make me a horrible person - fine I'm horrible.

Perhaps I should also mention I am a Canadian currently living in Saudi Arabia. That alone would drive a sane person crazy. Add onto that I started early menopause at 40.

2 Young Kids + Saudi Arabia + Menopause = Struggle For Sanity

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